Logo Österreichischer Alpenverein

Mitglied werden beim Alpenverein

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Infos hier          
Teaser-Banner-Bild mit Link auf https://werner-mertz.at/
Teaser-Banner-Bild mit Link auf https://www.alpenverein.at/portal/service/partner/300_Alma.php
Teaser-Banner-Bild mit Link auf http://www.salewa.com
Teaser-Banner-Bild mit Link auf

Förderer der Initiative SicherAmBerg

  Förderer der Initiative SicherAmBerg

Teaser-Banner-Bild mit Link auf https://www.generali.at

Become a member

Mitglied werden

Österreichischer Alpenverein is the largest alpine association and Austria’s largest youth organization. It motivates people to take part in various mountain sports like hiking, mountaineering, climbing, ski touring, mountain biking and trains them to do so. Besides its expertise, it also provides the required infrastructure like Alpenverein huts, trails and climbing facilities. As the “Advocate for the Alps” it ensures that nature is preserved in its beauty and originality, and will remain accessible to the public in future too.

Cancellation of membership

The membership is concluded for an indefinite period and can be cancelled each year with a notice period of two months. That means until 31.10. of each year. In this case, please contact your section or local group in time.

Our foreign sections Britannia and Flandern have their own appearance. Therefore, you can not become a member of these two sections via this mask. Please go directly to the respective websites of the sections Britannia (www.alpenverein.at/britannia/membership/Membership.php) or Flandern (www.klimenbergsportfederatie.be).

Enjoy many benefits

  • Reductions in over 1,700 refuges throughout Europe and with many partner establishments
  • A proven leisure and accident insurance that is valid worldwide
  • An unrivalled leisure and activity program

    Other benefits (english)
Mitglied werden

Become a member

Österreichischer Alpenverein is the largest alpine association and Austria’s largest youth organization. It motivates people to take part in various mountain sports like hiking, mountaineering, climbing, ski touring, mountain biking and trains them to do so. Besides its expertise, it also provides the required infrastructure like Alpenverein huts, trails and climbing facilities. As the “Advocate for the Alps” it ensures that nature is preserved in its beauty and originality, and will remain accessible to the public in future too.

Our foreign sections Britannia and Flandern have their own appearance. Therefore, you can not become a member of these two sections via this mask. Please go directly to the respective websites of the sections Britannia (www.alpenverein.at/britannia/membership/Membership.php) or Flandern (www.klimenbergsportfederatie.be).

Enjoy many benefits

  • Reductions in over 1,700 refuges throughout Europe and with many partner establishments
  • A proven leisure and accident insurance that is valid worldwide
  • An unrivalled leisure and activity program

Du und deine Karte

If you already are a member of Österreichischer Alpenverein, you can update your profile data at mein.alpenverein.



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